Tomislav Medak

Tomislav Medak is a philosopher with interests in contemporary political philosophy, media theory and aesthetics. He is co-ordinating theory program and publishing activities of the Multimedia Institute/MAMA (Zagreb, Croatia).

He is a free software and free culture advocate and the project lead of Croatian Creative Commons team. He’s a supporter of urban activist initiative Right to the City.

He is author and performer with the Zagreb based theatre collective BADco.


Tomislav Medak je filozof s posebnim interesom za političku filozofiju, medijsku teoriju i estetiku. Koordinator je teorijskog programa i izdavačkih aktivnosti u Multimedijalnom institutu u Zagrebu.

Zagovornik je slobodnog softvera i slobodne kulture. Voditelj je hrvatskog projekta lokalizacije Creative Commons licenci. Aktivist je inicijative Pravo na grad.

Član je kazališne skupine BADco.